Brillouin science and information theory
Brillouin science and information theory

brillouin science and information theory

The Mathematics of Ultra-High Frequencies Radio (Brown University, 1943).Notions Elementaires de Mathématiques pour les Sciences Expérimentales (Libraires de l'Academie de Médecine, 1939).Conductibilité électrique et thermique des métaux (Hermann, 1934).La Théorie des Quanta et l'Atome de Bohr (Presse Universitaires de France, 1922, 1931).Les Statistiques Quantiques Et Leurs Applications.Les mesures en haute fréquence, with H.1953 – Elected to the US National Academy of Sciences.In his book, Relativity Reexamined, he called for a "painful and complete re-appraisal" of relativity theory which "is now absolutely necessary." īrillouin offered a solution to the problem of Maxwell's demon. He applied information theory to physics and the design of computers and coined the concept of negentropy to demonstrate the similarity between entropy and information. His wife Marcelle died in 1986.īrillouin was a founder of modern solid state physics for which he discovered, among other things, Brillouin zones. He lived in New York City until he died in 1969.

brillouin science and information theory

In 1954, he became an adjunct professor at Columbia University. During the period 1952 to 1954, he was with IBM Corporation in Poughkeepsie, New York, as well as a staff member of the IBM Watson Laboratory at Columbia University.

brillouin science and information theory

From 1947 to 1949, he was professor of applied mathematics at Harvard University. For the next two years, he was a research scientist with the National Defense Research Committee at Columbia University, working in the field of radar. Until 1942, Brillouin was a visiting professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and then he was a professor at Brown University, in Providence, Rhode Island, until 1943. Six months later, he resigned and went to the United States. In May 1940, upon the collapse of France, as part of the government, he retired to Vichy. As a specialist in radio wave propagation, Brillouin was appointed Director General of the French state-run agency, Radiodiffusion Nationale about a month before war with Germany, August 1939. Since Brillouin's study with Sommerfeld, he was interested and did pioneering work in the diffraction of electromagnetic radiation in a dispersive media.

brillouin science and information theory

Quantum mechanical perturbations techniques by Brillouin and by Eugene Wigner resulted in what is known as the Brillouin–Wigner formula. During his work on the propagation of electron waves in a crystal lattice, he introduced the concept of Brillouin zones in 1930. In 1928, after the Institut Henri Poincaré was established, he was appointed as professor to the Chair for Theoretical Physics. In 1926, Gregor Wentzel, Hendrik Kramers, and Brillouin independently developed what is known as the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin approximation, also known as the WKB method, classical approach, and phase integral method. In 1932, he became associate director of the physics laboratories at the Collège de France. Career Īfter receipt of his doctorate, Brillouin became the scientific secretary of the reorganized Journal de Physique et le Radium. He also studied the propagation of monochromatic light waves and their interaction with acoustic waves, i.e., scattering of light with a frequency change, which became known as Brillouin scattering. In his thesis, he proposed an equation of state based on the atomic vibrations ( phonons) that propagate through it. Brillouin's thesis jury was composed of Langevin, Marie Curie, and Jean Perrin and his thesis topic was on the quantum theory of solids. At the conclusion of the war, he returned to the University of Paris to continue his studies with Paul Langevin, and was awarded his Docteur ès science in 1920. From 1914 until 1919, during World War I, he served in the military, developing the valve amplifier with G. In 1913, he went back to France to study at the University of Paris and it was in this year that Niels Bohr submitted his first paper on the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom. Just a few months before Brillouin's arrival at LMU, Max von Laue had conducted his experiment showing X-ray diffraction in a crystal lattice. At LMU, he studied theoretical physics with Arnold Sommerfeld. From 1911 he studied under Jean Perrin until he left for the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), in 1912. His father, Marcel Brillouin, grandfather, Éleuthère Mascart, and great-grandfather, Charles Briot, were physicists as well.įrom 1908 to 1912, Brillouin studied physics at the École Normale Supérieure, in Paris. Brillouin was born in Sèvres, near Paris, France.

Brillouin science and information theory